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Doctors & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make Sheridan Eyecare Center the leading provider of vision care products and services in Sheridan.

Jill Miller, O.D., M.Ed.

Dr. Jill Hlavac Miller, a Nebraska native, graduated from the University of Nebraska with a Bachelor of Science degree in comprehensive mathematics and physics. She then graduated from Pacific University with both her Masters in Education and Doctorate of Optometry degrees and accepted a teaching position at Pacific University College of Optometry.

Dr. Jill joined Sheridan Eyecare Center in 1992, expanding our vision care services by offering visual-perceptual-motor testing and vision therapy. In addition to working with children with vision-related learning difficulties, she offers general optometry services and specialized testing for patients who have suffered brain injuries. She is a member of the Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Association, the College of Optometrists in Vision Development, the Optometric Extension Program, the American Optometric Association, and the Wyoming Optometric Association.

Dr. Jill returned to Sheridan Eyecare in 2002 after moving to Colorado in 1997 to marry Roger Miller, a police detective with the Broomfield Police Department. Roger started his own franchise with National Property Inspections to facilitate the move back to Sheridan, and has subsequently become the Mayor in Sheridan!  Most of their time is spent with their children, Ryan, Gabrielle and Michaela.

Sam Hoffmann, O.D.

Dr. Sam Hoffmann received the Presidential Scholar award, attended the University of Wyoming for his undergraduate training and then went on to the University of California, Berkeley, School of Optometry, where he graduated first in his class with a perfect 4.0. Besides being class president for two of his four years in optometry school, he also received the VSP Excellence in Primary Eye Care Award and the American Optometric Association’s National Galina Grant.

Dr. Hoffmann specializes in primary practice, family eyecare, and enjoys taking care of emergency or medical conditions. Patients appreciate his thoroughness, easy-going manner, and the ease with which he enables patients to understand their eye conditions. He also enjoys helping people on an emergency basis: treating pink eye, removing foreign bodies, or a myriad of other eye emergencies.

Dr. Hoffmann’s wife Robin received her RN/BSN and has in the past enjoyed working with hospice patients. She now stays home to care for their four daughters. Dr. Hoffmann enjoys his family, enters occasional photography contests, lectures at Sheridan College and other venues, and is an avid piano player. You may find him playing the piano at Java Moon, area nursing homes, the Senior Center, or First Baptist Church, where he and his family attend.

Tim Fehlauer, O.D.

Dr. Tim Fehlauer grew up in Douglas and attended the University of Wyoming for his undergraduate degree. Dr. Fehlauer then attended the Pacific University College of Optometry. He received the VSP Excellence in Primary Eye Care Award, the Eschenbach Excellence in Low Vision Award, the American Optometric Association’s National Galina Grant, and graduated as Valedictorian of his optometry class.

Dr. Fehlauer strives to provide thorough eye exams in a friendly, non-rushed environment. He enjoys helping patients see and function to their highest ability. He believes that small details make a big difference in the way patients see. Dr. Fehlauer specializes in contact lenses and family eyecare. He enjoys working with patients of all ages. He also works with patients who have glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataracts, dry eye syndrome and other eye health problems.

Dr. Fehlauer enjoys spending time with his wife Julie and their children Alyssa and David. They enjoy gardening, wood working, hiking, downhill skiing, photography, and exploring the many beautiful areas of Wyoming.


Sheridan Eyecare Center’s highly trained staff will make you feel at home and welcome. Adjustments for glasses are always free for glasses bought at our office, and we will make your glasses feel great!

Do you have vision insurance? Our staff will be happy to help you understand your benefits.